Fact Sheet
Sunrise Family Credit Union
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Smart Spending

Just because you have money doesn't mean you should spend it all at once! Smart spending means to:

  • Plan ahead for how you’ll spend your money.
  • Find out who has the best price for what you want
  • Understand dollars and cents

Plan ahead
Making a plan for spending your money will help you not to waste your money. Click here for tips.

Find the Best Price

Did you know that you can “shop” without spending any money? The idea is to see how much money different stores want you to pay for the same product.

How can you do this? You can read the ads and sales paper that different stores have. You can also look at different stores' Web sites. That way you can see how much something will cost before you go to the store.

Understand Dollars and Cents

If you want to shop, it’s a good idea to understand our money. To help, you can practice shopping. Click here to practice now.

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